Pricelist of services​

You can use Dini in your business with no monthly fees or subscription fees. We only charge a fee for the order made using the app.

0,12 €

for smart Dini payment

*The smart Dini payment does not include the fees associated with making a payment using a payment gateway. The above rates apply to all payment methods.

All payment cards are charged at a rate of 2%.

These prices do not include any fees for your POS system.

Dini package to start

This package includes the QR codes and promotional materials needed to run Dini in your business. You pay for this package as a one-time fee, depending on the size of your business.

  • up to 15 tables
  • up to 30 tables
  • up to 45 tables
  • up to 60 tables
  • over 60 tables

Dini installation

  • Initial installation
Logo DINI s elegantným kruhovým dizajnom, obsahujúce ikonu pokrievky nad textom 'DINI,' symbolizujúce moderné riešenia pre gastronómiu. Predstavuje webovú aplikáciu na prezeranie menu, zadávanie objednávok, platby a dávanie prepitného čašníkom, vytvorenú pre reštaurácie a zákazníkov, ktorí hľadajú inovatívne digitálne zážitky.

You can also find us at

We are always happy to help.

2025 · Space_Code s.r.o.
Company ID: 55759297
Headquarters: Hronská 205/11,
040 11 Košice Slovakia